This is a guest post from Ben Balter, the developer behind WP Document Revisions, a 2011 Google Summer of Code project.
The coolest thing about the WordPress community, is that well, it’s a community. Developers don’t just write code in vacuum and send it on its way, but rather are part of an ecosystem of mutual inspiration and informal collaboration.
WP Document Revisions a document management and collaboration plugin for WordPress announced recently that the latest release will automatically detect Edit Flow, if installed, and will pull Edit Flow’s workflow tools into its own interface — cool, huh?
While this is undoubtedly a great pat on the back for Edit Flow and its efforts, the bigger news for the community is that now teams can use Edit Flow’s proven workflow tools in their newsroom with virtually any file format — Word, Adobe, images, anything.
If you want to give it a try, simply download and activate WP Document Revisions and begin working, no additional configuration required if you’ve already got Edit Flow installed.