Edit Flow v0.6.4: Bulk edit custom statuses and bug fixes

Late on the release blog post for this one, sorry. A week or so ago, we finished Edit Flow v0.6.4, which you can now download from the WordPress.org forums.

The most significant improvement is that you can properly bulk edit posts and pages with custom statuses.

For editorial metadata, we’ve added a “Number” metadata type, along with a link to easily clear the field when dealing with date metadata.

Lastly, we’ve added filters for the “Posts I’m Following” widget on the dashboard, and for the posts that appear in the calendar. If you’ve wanted to add custom post types to either of these interfaces, now’s your chance!

Check out our full changes in the changelog. Also, we’ll be moving from our Google Group to a development P2 if you’d like to follow along.


  1. François says:


    When I save a post (not the first time but the second one) with people selected to receive email notifications, they didn’t receive notification. I must save the post a second time with another status and people will receive notification. As an administrator, I don’t have this problem and I receive email notifications for all changes.


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