
We just pushed out a long overdue maintenance release (v0.9.1) with a collection of bug fixes. The release includes some compatibility fixes with the Block and Classic editors. We’ve also tested the plugin with WordPress 5.3 in preparation for the upcoming release. For a full list of changes, you can read the release notes.

Expect another bug fix release in a few weeks as we work through our backlog of issues.

And thanks to everyone who contributed to this version!

How to Update?

You can update directly from your WordPress Dashboard (Dashboard > Updates), or download the release from the Plugin Directory or the GitHub repo.

v0.8.2: The check is in the mail

Happy to let you know that v0.8.2 is out and available from WordPress.org! This is a minor bug fix and maintenance release that introduced a number of fixes and improvements you can read about here (so many props!).

Let us know what you’d like to see in the next release of Edit Flow in the comments below, the support forums or on Github.

As always, Edit Flow is looking for contributors to help improve and maintain the plugin!


Edit Flow v0.6.1: Custom post type support and minor improvements

We released Edit Flow v0.6.1 yesterday. While the version number suggests a minor upgrade, we’ve put a lot of work into this release and have a number of new features, improvements and fixes that you’ll enjoy.

Note: Edit Flow v0.6 and above requires WordPress 3.0

Custom Post Type Support

Edit Flow now supports Custom Post Types

Edit Flow now supports Custom Post Types

It’s a feature many of you have been asking for since Custom Post Types were added in WordPress 3.0. We’re happy to announce that Edit Flow is now custom post type-friendly. You can easily add or remove any Edit Flow feature to your custom post types with a few lines of code. We’ve included some code samples to get you started.

Note: Custom post statuses are now enabled for pages by default as we’ve removed the option from the settings. You can disable them if you’d like with the remove_post_type_support() method.

i18n (Internationalization)

We’ve heard many of our users across the world are interested in translating Edit Flow into their native languages. With this release, we’ve gone through and cleaned up the plugin to make that easy. If you’re interested in providing a translation for Edit Flow, please get in touch and we’ll gladly include it with the plugin. Pig latin is a language too!

Filtering Users and Usergroups

User and Usergroup search and filters

User and Usergroup search and filters

If you have a large list of users, you now how difficult it can be to scroll through and find the exact person you’re looking for. We’ve added filters and search-as-you-type to user and usergroup lists to make that a little easier.

Email Queueing

Emails sent by Edit Flow are now optimized to use queueing for improved performance (and to avoid being flagged as spam).

Bug Fixes

We’ve also fixed a number of bugs:

  • Users without JavaScript no longer see the status dropdown
  • Users with JavaScript no longer see the respond button for editorial comments
  • Contributors should not have the ability to publish through Quick Edit
  • Proper i18n support (Thanks Beto Frega and others)
  • Editorial Comments issue in IE (Thanks asecondwill and James Skaggs)
  • Always email admin feature was not working (Thanks nicomollet)
  • Notifications for scheduled posts did not include links (Thanks erikajurney)

For the full list of changes in this release, view the changelog. If you run into issues, the best place to go for help is the WordPress.org Support Forum.

v0.5.3: Duplication Bug Fix

We just pushed out v0.5.3 which fixes the duplication issue that users have been reporting. Thanks to everyone for letting us know about the issue.

You should be prompted for an upgrade from the WordPress admin, or you can download it here.

v0.5.1: maintenance release

We tagged a maintenance release on Wednesday evening that cleaned up a few rough ends in v0.5. These include:

On Wednesday evening, I also had the chance to update our roadmap to 1.0. The next scheduled release is 0.6 and will feature such awesome goodness (we hope) as better support for custom post types, custom task lists, and a refactored editorial calendar with story budget view.